Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Train Your Pet

Have you ever wondered how the animals you see on TV and in movies are trained to perform such amazing tricks? Many of their trainers use a technique based on the teaching methods developed by behavioral psychologists such as BF Skinner. Skinner studied techniques for reinforcing desired behavior in animals. Animals can be taught many sophisticated tricks using Skinner’s technique. If you want your pet to do a trick, you must understand the technique psychologists call â€Å"shaping.† Shaping means reinforcing, or strengthening behaviors that you want to encourage. Begin by making some decisions. First of all, you need to choose your subject. You can pick any household pet, such as a cat, a dog, a hamster, or a bird. Suppose, for example, that you want to teach your dog a trick. The next thing to do is to choose a reward. Food is usually the easiest reward to use. Keep in mind that in order for food to be an effective reward, your dog has to be hungry. Don’t try to teach him a new trick right after he has eaten a big meal. Also, a reward is most effective when it is given at the same time that the dog performs the desired trick. Since you will not be always able to give the dog food as quickly as you would like to, you will need to develop a â€Å"conditional reinforcer.† You can do this by connecting the food to something else, such as a ringing bell. In this case, the sound of the bell makes is the conditioned reinforcer. You are now ready to begin conditioning the dog to respond to the bell. Get out about 40 small dog biscuits. Toss a few of them to your dog, one at a time, at a rate of about one or two biscuits per minute. As soon as the dog starts eating the biscuits, ring the bell and then throw him another biscuit. Wait about 30 seconds and then repeat the steps. When you ring the bell, do not make any other sounds or movements. Give the food only when the dog is standing in the place where he got the food. When your dog reaches the point where he goes to the food place whenever you ring the bell, you are ready to begin teaching him the trick. At this point, you need to choose the trick you want to teach. An easy trick is teaching your dog to roll over. Shape the dog’s behavior by reinforcing anything that resembles the behavior you are trying to teach. Begin by reinforcing any attempt to lie down. Then reinforce any movement of his body when he is lying down. Every time you reinforce any of his behaviors that resembles rolling over, immediately give him a biscuit and ring the bell. In this way, he will begin to associate the sound of the bell with the trick. Continue reinforcing closer approximations of rolling over with the biscuits and the bell. During the teaching session, do not touch the dog, talk to him, or in any way distract him. A normal dog, according to Skinner, will learn the trick within 5 minutes. As you can see, it is really not difficult to train your pet to do a trick. It is only a matter of little time and some effort. Once you have established a conditioned reinforce, you can easily teach your dog a new trick by shaping his behavior. However, if you want to teach your dog another trick, you must eliminate the first behavior by no longer reinforcing it. Eventually, he will stop rolling over and will be ready to learn something new.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What is the crisis in the British family a crisis about? How is the crisis gendered?

The term ‘family' officially evokes the image of a heterosexual, nuclear institution where each member is related to the other by marriage/law or blood, and the state, religion, media and other important institutions in our society encourage this image. However, lived realities are often very different and in recent years this form of the family, which is assumed to be normal and the norm, has been displaced by various other family forms which are labeled as deviant and which are assumed to be the root of current social problems. Hence has risen a ‘crisis' in the British family. This crisis has been highlighted by the various social institutions mentioned above which encourage the heterosexual nuclear family form. Quoting Wright and Jagger, according to them ‘the turn of the century is marked by a growing crisis in the family, a crisis that may prove terminal unless decisive action is taken', and the crisis has been pointed out as the collapse of marriage and the ‘family'. This crisis however is not new and a similar was said to have risen at the end of the 19th century. Like now, the crisis then too had been a rise in social problems and women had been identified as the cause. Single mothers, working mothers, woman opposing the dominant ideology of ‘womanhood' were and are labeled as the cause of the ‘crisis'! As Gittins say, ‘Ideals of family relationships have become enshrined in our legal, social, religious and economic systems, which in turn reinforce the ideology and penalise or ostracise those who transgress it. ‘[Gittins 1992] The crisis in the family can thus be seen as nothing more than a gap between the ideological construction of the family and the diverse realities of family life. [Gittins,1993] The different alternate family forms that have come up and become increasingly common in the last few decades such as the single parent (specially single mother) family, extended families, communes, homosexual families are seen as social threats. This is because they resist the patriarchal ideology that is prevalent in the nuclear family form where the male is all-powerful. Resistance to this form of the family has seen the rise of the gendering of the family crisis with the blame falling on the women. This crisis as mentioned above is not something new and was seen before in the 1890's when the results of it were deemed to be the evils of those times – namely illegitimate children, women not having children, prostitution, homosexuality etc. The family – which by the way was the white, middle class, heterosexist family – was seen to be the buffer against these social evils. In these families the sexual divisions of labor played an important part in the claiming of moral superiority. The industrial Revolution which preceded this period can this be seen as the time when the seeds of change were sown, because even though at this time the ‘domestic ideology' of the middle class was established, working class women became increasingly involved in paid employment working away from home – and hence rose the first crisis. Indeed, the cause of the crisis at this time was seen to be the ‘bad' mother – invariably a working class woman in paid labor. With World War II however, women had to take up jobs and it allowed them more freedom. Gradually the 20th century saw changes in attitudes and legislation – though it did take a very long time. The most important legislative changes were perhaps the right of divorce for women and the decriminalization of gay relationships. These factors were important in the rise in the alternate family forms. The argument that the heterosexual family is the ‘norm' can however no longer be held valid. There is a vast discrepancy between the actual family forms and the ‘cereal-packet family' considered the ideal! In 1961 over half of all households consisted of a married couple with dependent children and in 1992 this proportion had dropped to 24%. In 2001 19% all households consisted of an adult couple and dependent children – the couple not necessarily married. Marriage certainly has become less popular in the last 2 decades. Cohabitation, teen pregnancies, the number of children outside marriage has seen a marked increase. Homosexuality also has become much more widely accepted in society and many homosexual couples live with their children – adopted or from previous relationships. Divorce rates have also shot up dramatically with 1 in every 3 marriages ending in a divorce. These changes have been constructed into a national crisis by the state and the media. The statistics have been used to create moral panic among the people. In Britain, the government whether the New Right or the New Left have supported the ‘traditional family'. In the debates and policies of the New Right or the New Left, there is seen to be a particular connection between deviant family forms and social ills and there can be seen a particular vision of the individual, family and state responsibility. Policy units, the think tanks like the Social Affairs and the Economic Affairs units and the newspapers rather than the academic press stress are the agencies that stress more on the importance of the ‘traditional family values'. [Jagger and Wright, 1999] The lobbyists on behalf of the ‘ normal' family say that government policies and feminist ideologies threaten it. Government policies however far from threatening the nuclear family form strongly support it. In fact the Conservatives called themselves the party of the ‘family' and deviant family forms such as homosexual relationships and cohabitation were actively discouraged. The 1988 Local Government Act stated that it was an offence for local government employees or institutions to promote the acceptability of homosexuality as a family relationship. The Conservatives also shifted away from state provision and the emphasis lay on the family as a source of provision and rhetoric as well as legislation supported this. The moral panic shifted from the unemployed male scrounger to the female lone parent on benefit. The benefits given to single parents were cut down and the Child Support Act was introduced. Refamilisation – by which fathers were tried to be reinserted into the family by being made responsible for his child after separation made life very difficult for those people who had been divorced. This rhetoric of traditional family values however helped the state to back out of much of its fiscal responsibilities! The Labour Governments emphasis has also been on the family. Legislation based on the ‘families role in society' has been passed. As Frazer says, there is ‘an insistent emphasis on ‘the family' as the relevant and significant institution' together with ‘the insistence that rights must be correlated with duties, obligations and responsibilities'. It does seem from the government's emphasis on the family that the terrain of family offers the illusion of a cheap and feasible political program. Other than this emphasizing on family also obscures the failure of the politicians in other spheres such as economics or likewise. The media also plays an important role in this invocation of ‘the family' – the ‘cereal-packet family' being a noteworthy propaganda and the stress on the current ‘crisis'! Religion is another important social institution that encourages the nuclear family maintaining it to be moral and healthier that the other family forms. It has been seen that in all these cases of addressing this crisis by the state, the media or any other institution the focus has been on women as the cause of the crisis and consequently social problems. The single mother is seen as the source of current social evils like poverty, children's indiscipline, crime and juvenile delinquency. Fatherless families are seen to be more of a problem with no one to impose authority and discipline! The discourse of lone/single motherhood as a social threat as it helps to resist close scrutiny of the content of hegemonic masculinity and fatherhood. [Lister, 1996] and conceals the fear that if men lose their relevance to the family life they also lose control over women and children. The traditional nuclear family, which is patriarchal, enforces this ideology through the strict gendered division of labor and other family forms without these gender divisions are not seen as desirable or normal. The traditional family is seen as one in which the male is the breadwinner and the woman is the homemaker – looking after the house and the children. This was in fact the Victorian middle class ideology. Though today women are no longer thought of as not going into paid work, it is still considered that her primary duty lies in looking after the home – thus she has a double burden of her job and housework. Men however have no such responsibilities and the symmetrical family that Young and Willmott talk about in which housework is shared equally between men and women instead of men thinking that they are doing a favour by helping, will take a long time to come if it ever does come at all! These family relationships – the inequality of women in their relationships with men ( in either marriage or cohabitation) is linked to wider social and economic factors and is infact sanctioned by the power of the state. Thus gendered division of labor is a part of the ‘normal' family ideals. The crisis in the family means that this gender division no longer works within a majority of the families anymore. This is the feminist explanation for the rise of a ‘crisis' in the family by the media and the state. The patriarchy that is based on the exploitation of women's unpaid labor at home constructs alternate family forms as a ‘crisis' and blames women as the cause of social problems, advocating the return to the ‘normal, heterosexual, nuclear family' for a better and healthier society!

John’s Descriptions

Jon’s descriptions may be defined as the only Revelation that describes Antichrist. It is known that this word is not used in other Revelations. Religious communities are interested in revealing who Antichrist is and what influence he has had on religious development and bible compilation. However, Apostle John is the only person who pays attention to Antichrist. John writes that Antichrist is coming: â€Å"Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us†. (1 John 2:18, 19) When John was writing the movement was already present and, therefore, John uses present to prove that the last hour has come. John defines ‘antichrists’ as ex-church member who has abandoned their faith. It means that Antichrist was a Christian, but it was no single individual. Antichrist is liar who denies Jesus the Christ, as well as Father and the Son. John writes that he is not pleased with such people as they have betrayed the real faith. The God can’t be a spirit that denies Jesus Christ. Such spirit is Antichrist and he is present in the world: â€Å"For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist†. (2 John 1:7) The teachings of Antichrist aimed at showing that Jesus had not come in the flesh. Many people believed that Christ was divine, but erroneous belief that flesh was evil prevented them from faith expansion. John argues that humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ are central to Christian faith.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What would be the effects of banning the use of plastic bags Essay

What would be the effects of banning the use of plastic bags - Essay Example However, because many plastic bags are discarded causally, plastic bags also bring us side effects. Take China as an example, In China, it is an interesting and â€Å"colorful landscapes† to see several of plastic bags flying in the sky when the strong wind passes. Not only in China also the many places we can see the plastic bags are discarded in street, lake and ocean. This is due to some people throwaway plastic bags casually. What is the important, this cause the â€Å"white pollution† to environment, which is harmful to human because plastic bags cannot vanish by natural decomposition. At this stage, the main processing methods are incineration and  landfill. Nevertheless, the burning will produce toxic fumes, a lot of air pollution and acid rain. As for landfill, it is buried 100 years and still intact. It cannot be naturally absorbed and has a great harm on the land. Although the plastic bags are ubiquitous and convenient, in contemporary society the â€Å"whi te pollution† is becoming a more and more serious environment issue. Some people say that government should ban the use of the plastic but some people argue that it is unnecessary to ban it. Without the authorized conclusion now, this tough issue should continue to be analyzed to determine how excessive use and careless disposal of plastic bags affects society. Jerry Jonson discusses the myriad environmental issues that result from poor plastic disposal technique such as the fact that it fills numerous landfills and when it is disposed by incineration, adds volumes of toxins in the air (Jonson). Plastic bags portend a serious environmental threat in the long term and if they are not controlled they will continue to endanger the environment and by extension society. In his discussion of Lynn offers several facts about, he offers numerous statistics about plastic that bring out the enormity of the situation. Apparently, over 50 percent of the plastic used in the US is simply thrown away to contribute

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Response to Free Play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response to Free Play - Essay Example His book Free Play instills and resonate the passion of music in readers and is a best book on improvisation. Improvisation is a difficult topic and it is a most realistic book on improvisation I have seen yet. I am really impressed with Stephen Nachmanovitch’s book Free Play. It was a resonating and promising experience to study such a nice piece writing. It is a very unusual, thought-through, and through provoking book on mystic creativity, which is a difficult most topic. Improvisation in art and life is a very difficult topic. It is very difficult to perform extemporaneously for everyone even for actors. Doing improvisation in a strange place is a very difficult to deal with. Free Play book has far reaching affects. It runs deep into our activities of art, music and everyday life. This book integrates knowledge from variety of important works of art, literature, science, etc. â€Å"This book is important not only because it devolves into the creative process, but also because Nachmanovitch creates the opportunity for reader to get in touch with her/his own creative possibilities and abilities†. Harvard Educational Review My ideas about improvisation shifted due to this book. It resonates in me the element of the art of improvisation for art, music and everyday life. It tempts me to believe in myself and do everything as per my natural instinct. Writer‘s approach is equally useful for children, teacher and others peoples of all kinds. It is good to randomly do things but some part of me is reluctant to believe that we should improvise all the time. We can anticipate the future happenings and we can try to prepare for them in order to better coup with every situation. While, if we need to perform somewhere randomly, we should give our best shot by using the ideas presented by Stephen, Nachmanovitch in Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art. In essence, I am really impressed with this piece

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Manager - Assignment Example Typically, marketing managers oversee all marketing, advertising and promotional staff and activities. They formulate appropriate marketing strategies to meet objectives, evaluate market research, and implement marketing plans (Halvorsen 2006). The job of a marketing manager requires both professional qualifications and individual skills. Professional qualifications usually include academic qualification, strong understanding of management and marketing, industry and product/service experience, and a network of contacts (Microsoft 2008, HSN 2008). Individual skills usually required include excellent communication skills, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, project and people management skills (HSN 2008, Catholic Answers 2008, Infinity Ward 2008). A review of most want advertisements for marketing management shows three main skill requirements: excellent communication skills, interpersonal skills and leadership skills in terms of people and project management. Excellent Communication Skills The job of a marketing manager requires excellent communication skills because the function involves interaction with customers, subordinates, professional peers, higher-level managers, suppliers, other business partners, and other individuals involved in the marketing process. Since communication is a two-way process, effective communication involves conveying messages to others clearly and unambiguously, as well as receiving and understanding information sent by others. In a survey conducted by the University of Pittsburgh, communication skills were cited as the single most important decision factor in the hiring of managers. Excellent communication skills denote high levels of proficiency in both verbal and written communication. For the marketing manager, these skills are applied in various interaction with the different audiences in the marketing process, in listening; delivering presentations; facilitating meetings and discussions; giving and receiving feedback; making value p ropositions; dealing with criticisms, customer complaints or other objections; communication during crisis situations; and cross-cultural communications (Mind Tools 2008). Interpersonal Skills Another highly-required skill for a marketing manager is interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills include the habits, attitudes, manners, appearance, and behaviors that one uses around other people which affect how one gets along with other people (Hill 1999). According to the American Management Association (2008), success depends upon the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Concepts in mental Health Consensus and Controversies Essay

Concepts in mental Health Consensus and Controversies - Essay Example A good understanding of such concept is essentially relevant with mental health care. Origin and Historical Significance of Mental Health Concept The concept of mental health has a polymeric nature, and inaccurate and general borders, which gains from a historical view to be better understood. At present the broadly understood concept of mental health has its origins chased back to advances in public health in different branches of knowledge such as clinical psychopathology and psychological medicine. The origin of the mental hygiene movement can be assigned to the piece of work of Clifford Beers in the United States. A book namely A mind that found itself was published in 1908, which was based on the authors personal experience of admittances to three mental institutions and asylums. Through its origins and in reflecting Beers’ experience in mental hospitals, the mental hygiene movement was chiefly and essentially referred to the betterment of the care of people with mental f olies. In the year 1909 when Beers wrote the book, a Mental Hygiene Society was instituted in Connecticut. Adolf Meyer suggested the term â€Å"mental hygiene† to Beers (Schneck, 1975). This had got tremendous and quick popularity to the initiation of the National Commission of Mental Hygiene. The Beers (1937) states: â€Å"When the National Committee was organized, in 1909, its chief concern was to humanize the care of the insane: to eradicate the abuses, brutalities and neglect from which the mentally sick have traditionally suffered.† The globalization of activities of this Commission led to the administration of some national associations related to mental hygiene in different countries from 1919 onwards. The International... This essay discusses that in a general sense, mental health has established to be a crucial component of the definition of health and also continues to be used both to indicate a state as an attribute of health. It refers to denote to the crusade deduced from the mental hygiene movement, representing the practical application of psychiatry and psychological medicine not only on an individual basis but also to groups such as societies and communities, as is the case with clinical psychiatry. Mental health is, rather unluckily, even so, considered by many as a field of study, either as an equivalent of psychiatry and psychological medicine or any other complementary fields of psychiatry. Above discussed elements can be served as evidence of the importance of mental health cognition as not only a field of study. For psychiatric nurses, the knowledge of mental health and mental illness concepts is particularly important in a way that they are part of the diagnosing of mental disorders an d treatment of mental health patients in outpatient community clinics or inpatient care hospitals. For such a reason, mental health nursing requires specified and specialized training isolated from other segments of care in the field of nursing. Instituting standard concepts of care in mental health nursing ameliorates inter-communication among faculty and the quality of intervention and handling of mental health patients. Dealing with mental health patients interests will better the overall wellness and performance of the patient.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Selected Articles in Finance Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Selected Articles in Finance - Term Paper Example For example the CAC 40 Index gets its name from the 40 top stocks dominating the French stock exchange. The index rises and falls in line with the volume of stocks traded and the prices at which the trades are made. When the trend of prices is falling, the market is said to be bearish and when the trend of prices is rising, the market is said to be bullish. Like a business cycle with its peaks and troughs, the stock market also has similar tendencies ( The article by Joe Weisenthal dated 27 Sep 2010 claims that Apple and Microsoft have broken the Stock Market indices. He bases his claim on the Nasdaq 100 index and states that it gives a weight of 20 percent to Apple, and 80 percent to all the other stocks. Similarly it is claimed that the DJIA gives too much weightage to Caterpillar and since it is trading at three times the value of Microsoft, the DJIA is similarly affected. This also impacts on the value of Exchange Traded Funds of ETF, which track the valu e of an index. Michael Corkery in his article of 04 August 2011 comments on the failure of city municipalities in the wake of the financial crisis that has swept America and states that cities like Central Falls in Rhode Island are benefitted by a new State Law that places bondholders ahead of other claimants. Its principal problem remains the pension payments that are due to retired workers. On the other hand, the head of the workers union feels cheated that bondholders are being given a preference over workers in this connection (Corkery, 3). Besides firing workers and raising taxes to create funding, municipalities are now being assisted by firms like New York’s Class Green Capital Partners who not only help cities mortgage their public buildings but also part of the bond proceeds to help promote energy efficiency, which also helps them get around some restrictions regarding public building mortgages. However their opponents maintain that it is just a way to cover deficit financing (Corkery, 3). Raice and Smith in their piece covering technology stocks as of 04 August 2011 write that the lackluster market is making firms reconsider offering their IPOs right now. The US Government too is considering cashing in its share of 26.5 percent of GM owned stock as the auto manufacturer’s stock has performed poorly. Meanwhile there is lack of investor demand and shares of newly floated IPOs like Pandora and LinkedIn –down 22% and 17% respectively- are also taking a beating (Raice & Smith, 1). Talking about interest swap deals, some 700 business entities in Pennsylvania alone had made such deals in the wake of rising interest rates in 2003 and beyond. Under such a deal, the bank would pay them a higher fixed interest rate while the businesses paid back the bank a lower, floating rate of interest. But this scheme backfires when market interest rates begin falling, and the price to get out of such deals can also be prohibitive. Addressing the partic ular case of State College of Pennsylvania, the college had agreed to a swap of $58 million with Royal Bank of Canada in 2007 at a fixed rate of 3.884 percent, while it paid RBC

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Knowledge required for decision making in Adult Nursing Essay

Knowledge required for decision making in Adult Nursing - Essay Example Gill is a 50-year-old insulin dependant Diabetic. She was admitted to the ward via Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU). Gill was found on the floor after a fall, feeling drowsy, vague and confused and complaining ÃŽ ¿f abdo pain. After nursing hand-over, a multi-disciplinary team embarked on a strategy to assess, monitor and resolve Gills issues. Multi-disciplinary working is encouraged within the NHS Plan (2000) and is concerned with professional healthcare providers working together for the well-being ÃŽ ¿f the patient. (Castledine 1996) Gill was then admitted to the ward where a full nursing assessment took place and from here a plan ÃŽ ¿f care was prescribed and implemented. Further information was obtained from previous medical records. This revealed in 1998 Gill had a cerebral vascular accident (CVA) and recovered well. She was also diagnosed with alcohol liver disease (ALD) in April 2000 and diabetes 15 years ago. Gills observations on admission where taken so to provide a basis for any later comparisons. Her blood sugar glucose reading was 32.4 millimols per litre. The normal reading should be between 4-7 mmol/l before meals rising to no higher than 10 mmol/l two hours after meals ( A ward test urine was taken which showed glucose and protein were present. 1.Maintaining a safe environment - Gill had a nurse call bell and a patient identification wrist band. She was shown around the ward but increasing confusion and previous falls made it a priority to monitor Gill closely. 11. Eating and drinking - Gill explained that she drinks a lot ÃŽ ¿f tea and cola throughout they day but is often left still trying to quench her thirst, her favourite foods are chocolate and sweets. She tries to eat regular meals but often has little appetite. After the identification ÃŽ ¿f issues a plan ÃŽ ¿f care was documented. This is a

Children and IQ Testing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Children and IQ Testing - Coursework Example When developing children’s cognitive and physical features are very challenging tasks. Their learning abilities depend on the teachers’ influence, environment and individual interests. Therefore, it is vital for teachers to identify their students’ strengths and put more emphasis on their weak areas. In cases where some students perform well than others, it is the duty of teachers to arrange for private tutorials for weak students. This motivates them greatly and helps them in clarifying the areas they did not understand in class. In my view, these gifted students should not be placed in special schools rather be mixed. That way, they can use their skills to help the weak ones realize their goals (Rosenberg et al., 2007, p. 415). In addition, gifted students have a high degree of empathy for other students. Therefore, through this they can assist their fellow students in conducting their assignments and meeting the teachers’ objectives. Finally, most public schools have not been able to meet the needs of extremely gifted students. This is because they lack adequate learning resources to nurture students of such behavior. Therefore,more funds should be channeled to public schools so that gifted students can realize their full

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why the suicide rate is high for teenagers Essay

Why the suicide rate is high for teenagers - Essay Example However, despite suicide being one of the leading causes of deaths there has been little effort to address the menace as used in other causes such as heart diseases, cancer, HIV/Aids and so on (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 1). Although suicide is preventable, either there is little understanding or loss of concern about its causes and the prevention measures to be applied. This document examines the major causes and the interventions appropriate to reduce the prevalence of suicide among the teenagers. There are various issues responsible for the prevalence of suicide among the teenagers that respective stakeholders need to understand and address clearly in order to reduce the suicide. Depression and other mental disorders are some of the major causes of suicide among teenagers. The mental disorders and depression are caused by various factors especially among the young generation (Huisman, Pirkis and Robinson 282). For example, abuse of drugs, social rejection, domestic conflicts, sexual abuse, academic failure, etc. When teenagers encounter challenges that make them feel demoralized, they are most likely to suffer depression and other mental disorders (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 1). Depression and mental disorders can result in suicide as teenagers seek for a solution to their problems. In every successful suicide, there are between 8 and 25 attempted suicides (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 1). The teenagers who undergo treatment after attempted suic ide respond positively to antidepressants. Therefore, it is essential for the people relatives, friends and neighbors to recognize any behavioral change that could result in depression and other mental disorders and address them before they cause teenagers to commit suicide. In American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the use of antidepressants has been reported to lower the rate of suicide among the teenagers (1). Most of

Monday, July 22, 2019

US Role in International Environment Essay Example for Free

US Role in International Environment Essay The rational presented by President Bush in the 2002 National Security Strategy against the aggression in Iraq is that â€Å"nations need not suffer an attack before they take lawful actions in defending themselves. † Mainly, preemption has been the tactical defense employed by the Bush administration throughout the Iraq aggression, which was guided by the September 11 incident. This tactic shall also employ international cooperation amongst the world’s greatest power, thus initializing the further growth of hegemony. However, this view on eradicating the tyranny that Saddam Hussein is posing on the world; it shall serve as a grand strategy that shall benefit America and the rest of the world. This war, is viewed as war with â€Å"different fronts against same enemies. † Meaning, the war in Iraq is about eradicating the dictatorship of Hussein, at the same time trying to impose the tenets of democracy within the Iraqi people while also attempting to seize the economic and political opportunities that shall come once the occupation in Iraq has succeeded. However, the ongoing aggression which was not anticipated by American government to take this long, is an indicator that their strategies have failed. They have failed because they overlooked the moral obligations that the US should play in international arena. Their efforts were too concentrated on the political and economic grounds that they neglected the moral subjectivities of war which rendered them the criticisms coming from different concerned groups around the world. Thus, the possible problem that may arise is that, the US over-indulgence in imposing their idea of democracy in the world could be sometimes detrimental to world peace stability when being imposed at the wrong time and through the wrong processes. (2) Globalization is the phenomena of increasing interdependence among nations, which reaches through the areas of politics, economics, military capabilities, culture, religion and social systems. Barnett’s article discusses the two facets that globalization creates. One is the emergence of â€Å"functioning core†, and the other is its counterpart, the â€Å"non-integrating gap†. This only shows that where globalization occurs, it also creates direct relationship wherein it is prevalent between nations. Globalization gives rise to either economic stability or its demise, depending on who acts as the core or the gap – wherein in the â€Å"core† gains from the loss of the â€Å"gap†. Consequently, as globalization extends towards the military reach and supremacy of interdependent nation, it also creates an avenue for military challenges and pursuits. The war in Iraq is an example of how globalization was utilized to create allies against the proliferating communist ideals. The global hegemon US (core) uses their allies (less developed countries which serve as the gaps) in order to strengthen their forces against Iraq. Personally, I believe that this description is an accurate representation of how globalization works. The current international system has now shown and proven how one nation rises as world power before other weaker countries, due to the interplays that belief in globalization creates. Globalization breeds a playing ground that only stronger nations can surpass, while creating a pitfall for the weaker states. (3) There have been several changes that occurred within the US military bases, the most important is the movement away from the current Demilitarized Zones (DMZ) towards the creation of global network facilities that shall further enhance security purposes. This action prompts the creation of â€Å"lily pads† or â€Å"warm bases† that shall serve as staffed facilities and jump-off points in case a crisis arises within the areas close to these points. These changes are made as political and military reaction to the current situation that US forces has encountered. These changes are necessary to strengthen their hold for military, economic and political supremacy around the world. Having been battled by the instability caused by the increasing terrorist attacks around the world, these changes are reactions geared towards improving their security system and protectionism for the prevailing status quo. This is a necessary change to foster regional stability and increased control within their ally countries. (4) The first article by Gaddis, speaks of the US policy utilizing war as an avenue of gaining political, economic and military supremacy. They use military strength to inculcate their beliefs towards other countries which are relative unstable when it comes to government control. The second article by Barnett, describes how globalization is used as a tool to create political, economic as well as military discrepancies between a strong and weak nation in order to gain control and supremacy. And lastly, Campbell and Ward’s article elaborates how the changes and regional tactics in US bases are used in order to gain back military confidence and strength towards establishing global control. Of the three factors, I think Barnett’s ideas are the most prevalent and important in explaining US policies. US being a main player in the emergence of globalization and the main beneficiary of the practices that it serves, highly recommends and imposes the theories of globalization towards weaker states, so that it can translate even bigger benefits for them more.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Starbucks Leadership Styles

Starbucks Leadership Styles Introduction: Starbucks started in 1971 when three friends started coffee business, and their main objective was to sell coffee beans and equipment. Howard Schultz joined the company in 1982 and turned it into becoming an international brand. Schultz’s main goal and vision as CEO was to make people realize that buying a cup of coffee in Starbucks is lifetime experience. Under Schultz leadership Starbucks has achieved number of milestones. Schultz received an International Humanitarian Award in 1996 from Care for his vision and leadership developing in an innovative partnership between Starbucks and Care to support people in coffee originating countries. Schultz view of leadership: Howard Schultz’s statement â€Å"If they had faith in me and my motives they wouldn’t need a union† reflects his powerful communication skills as a leader. He knows how to build emotional connection with the staff. The heart of leadership is trust. Without trust you cannot lead. Exemplary leaders are devoted to building relationships based on mutual respect and caring. Watson (1983). The mark of a successful leader is his ability to forecast the business trends and stay ahead of his competitors (Luthans 1998). That means leadership involves skills and abilities that are useful whether one is in the executive position or frontline. However union signifies group of a workforce in certain businesses who form a link between an employer and unionized employees in which terms and condition of employment are determined. It also helps to improve the conditions at workplace and negotiate with employers on issues of wages, medical reimbursement or sickness. When employees and employers are not able to come to one decision then trade union negotiate with employer to reach to an agreement and the union members must follow that (Booth, 1995). In February 2007 Schultz says in one of letter to Starbucks employees â€Å"My focus is on you ‘the partners who have made Starbucks such a trusted presence around the world. And my focus is on preserving the trust that we have built with our customers and each other over the years. I want you to know that you can be proud of the company we all work for and that you can continue to trust the foundation it’s built upon† Schultz had trust in his employees as he had build up strong relationship with them in Starbucks by understand their desires. Schultz leadership has developed a good teamwork and integration of the individual and groups and goal. Schultzs leadership approach makes staff feel like partners. That is why frontline staff in the stores are so welcoming and passionate. He gave his employees protection, dignity, empowerment and a good working environment. That is why Schultz says that Starbucks doesn’t need a union because he is doing everything for the employees what usually a union does. Approaches to Leadership: There are many ways of looking at leadership and many interpretations of its meaning. Leadership might be based on function of personality or, it can be seen as a behavioura3 category (Vecchio, 2000) . It may also be viewed in terms of the role of the leaders and their ability to achieve effective performance from others. The relationship between leaders and management is that management is more usually viewed as getting work done though other people to achieve organizational objectives (Worsfold, 1989), where as leaders are more concerned with the attention to communicating with motivating, encouraging and involving people (Hunt, 1986). There are so many theories and models of leadership like Traits approach, the functional approach, Leadership as behavioral category, Style approach, Contingency models, and Transformational Leadership. Here I would like to discuss Transformational leadership with regard to leadership approach and style in Starbucks. In recent years increasing business competitiveness and the need for the most effective use of human resources are needed. The transformational leadership’s view focuses on idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration (Bass, 1985). According to Bass transformational leaders motivates followers to do more than what they are expected and the extent of transformation is measured in terms of leader’s effects on followers. It emphasizes on generating a vision for the organization, creating a feeling of justice, loyalty and trust. Idealized Influence: symbolizes the capability of building confidence in the leader and values the leader by his followers. As Starbucks is an employee-focused company, Schultz has taken a great care in recruiting partners and promotes the existing partners. Schultz made himself as example for the employees to follow him. Inspirational Motivation: is the behaviour of the leader, respect and admiration of followers. Leadership in Starbucks has ensured that high wages, benefits, stock plans and positive working environment are one of the reasons to maintain motivation among the staff. Intellectual Stimulation: leaders who solicit new and novel approaches for performance to work, creative problem solutions. Schultz invested in training and development of the employees. Starbucks appreciated feedback from the employees and they felt empowered and encouraged. Starbucks’ one of the most thriving innovations came from the employees â€Å"Frappuccino† a popular cold coffee. Individual Consideration: true leaders are those who listen to their followers and give special consideration to their needs and wants. Starbucks leadership provided parent group day care for their children, health insurance and work life balance. Leadership Styles: In order to get the best results from the employees, leaders need to encourage and be co-operative to the employees (Bonnington,1988) .According to Adair (2003) Leadership style is the way in which the functions of leadership are carried out . Three main classification of leadership style are autocratic style, democratic style and laissez-faire (genuine )style (Belbin,1993). Here I would like to discuss democratic style of leadership with regard to leadership style in Starbucks. In democratic style, the functions of leadership are shared with the members of the group. The group members have a greater say in decision making (Useem, 2001). Starbucks leadership team is among the best when it comes to global market. Schultz looked for employees who are team player and have passion to work for Starbucks. Schultz took care of employees and treated them with respect. He has created a unique culture in Starbucks in which entrepreneurship and empowerment, quality and service define values of leadership. Schultz gave more power to employees in decision making and also flexibility to choose their own working hours. He honoured the feedback from the employees in Starbucks therefore I can say that Schultz had democratic style of leadership in Starbucks Conclusion: I would summarize by saying that Starbucks is the most flourishing coffee shop in the world and with Schultz leadership and vision Starbucks still continue expand. Starbucks take great care in recruitment and selection and trains them intensively. Schultz believes that it is important for Starbucks respect all the employees and motives them. Starbucks enjoys the democratic style of leadership. References: Adair, J (2003). The Inspirational Leader : How to Motivate, Encourage and Achieve Success, Kogan Bass, B.M. (1985) , B.M. Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations, Free Press . Belbin, R.M (1993). Team Roles at Work, Butterworth Heinemann. Bonnington C, (1988) ‘Leading to the Top: The Successful Management of People’, Office and Information Management International, pp8-9. Booth, A.L (1995). The Economics of The Trade Union, Cambridge University Press. Druker, P.F (1998) .The Practice of Management, Heinemann Professional Fullan,M (2001). Leading in a Culture of Change, Jossey-Bass Hunt J W, Managing People at Work, Second edition, McGraw-Hill. Luthans.F. (1998) Organizational Behavior, Boston, MA. McGraw-Hill Useem, M. ‘How to Groom Leaders of the Future’ in Pickford, J.(ed) Financial Times Mastering Management, p.297 Vecchio, R. P. Organizational Behavior: Core Concepts, Fourth edition, Dryden Press. Watson C M, ‘ Leadership (1983), Management and the Seven Keys’, Business. Whitehead, M (2002). ‘ Everyone’s a Leader Now’, Supply Mnangement Worsfold, P. (1989). Leadership in the Hospitality Industry’ in Cassee E and Reuland (eds), International Journal of Hospitality Zaleznik, A (1977). Managers and leaders: Are they Different? Harvard Business Review Horizons. Q4. ‘Motivated and committed human resources were the key to successes. What strategies has Starbucks used in order to gain the motivation and commitment of its employees? With reference to appropriate theories and models, provide a reasoned discussion of how the company can ensure the levels of motivation and commitment that it needs to succeed in the future? Starbucks has more than 3,300 locations all over the world and serves coffee to its coffee lovers every day. It has the history of tremendous growth and success. In addition to the sales of coffee and coffee beans, the company enjoys the remarkable repute as a progressive employer. Starbucks is known for its friendly policies and motivational programs. The employees who are constantly in contact with the customers are the frontline staff. Hence Starbucks motivates, trains and rewards employees turning them into a committed and motivated workforce. The foundation of the company’s mission statement are five guiding principals and one of these principal is to provide great work and treat each other with respect and dignity. Strategies of motivation: According to the case study, motivated and committed human resources are the key to success in Starbucks. Howard Shultz believes that success of Starbucks is not coffee but employees and feels honoured about the value about the Starbucks employees. That is why it is essential to have intensive training policy for the better performance in the company (Michelli,2006). Starbucks offers an interactive structure that encourages employees to commit themselves into their job so they can motivate partners to satisfy themselves and also achieve a new level of performance. Starbucks use strategies to motivate employees and in order to gain the commitment. Starbuck’s motivational strategies programs for its employees are: Selecting the right people Investment in training and development Work life balance Employee ownership Feedback system Non capitalization job tittles Flexibility Mission review program Parameters of success in Starbucks: Due to Starbucks motivational strategies Starbucks continues to expand geographically. Starbucks has more than 15,000 stores all over the world ( Starbucks employees are highly trained and have good customer service skills. Starbucks is ranked as the 16th â€Å"Best company to work for† in America by Fortune magazine. Starbucks has low turnover of employees as their need were taken care of and they are motive and committed towards work. Starbucks has changed a concept of coffee into ‘Starbucks Experience’ It has resulted the customers to come back approximately 18 times a month. Theoretical Framework: There are several motivation theories that have helped organizations to figure out how employees can be motivated. Motivation is â€Å"the internal process that activates, guide and maintain behaviour† (Baron, 1991). Robertson and Smith (1985) agree that ‘motivation is psychological concept related to the strength and direction of human behaviour. According to research, motivations theories can offer guidance to anyone with an interest in motivational issues. These do not give a definite answer to all the motivation questions but it provides a framework. There are many variables such as moods, financial circumstances etc that work together to create a situation and a person concerned to fully understand why variables result in particular behaviours Gorman (2003). Vroom expectancy theory: The expectancy theory of Victor Vroom deals with motivation and management. Vroom’s theory is based on idea that employee effort will lead to performance and performance will lead to rewards. Rewards may be either positive or negative. Employees will be highly motivated if the reward is positive and negative rewards lead to less motivated employees (Vroom, 1964). According to research motivation develops commitment among employees. Developing a stronger commitment and the motivation allows you to be well recognizing in the market and gain market share. According to Starbucks case study Starbucks hire right people by having right people. Starbucks implement intensive training program for each employee before starting their job. Starbucks recognizes the efforts made by the employees in order to get high performance. To gain high performance rewards are offered by Starbucks to their employees in open forum such as Warm Regards, the Mug Award and the â€Å"Spirit of Starbucks Award†. Other benefits like training and development, flexible timings partner connection, equality etc are offered in order to motivate and gain commitment. Rewards develop motivation and Starbucks offers rewards and benefits to motivate their employees. Sustaining motivation and commitment: To sustain the level of motivation and commitment in future, Starbucks treats its employees well. Starbucks offers opportunity to all full and part time employees to receive stock option, healthcare benefits, sick pay and bean stock etc. Starbucks continues with building programmes that address to personal life and needs of its partner. Starbucks carries out regular surveys of its partners to measure their needs and take action with suitable work life solution. Starbucks transforms the behaviours and opinion of overall coffee consumer. Starbucks is not only of the fastest growing company but it is also an excellent business model with high profit performance and low turnover. According to the case study, it is obvious that motivation is the key factor of Starbucks’ strategy. A good relationship between Starbucks’ employees maintains a high quality performance. Starbucks have great responsibility towards their staff. Their decisions affects directly or indirectly on employees desire and interests and overall ability to love what they do for living. Employees would have many reasons to stay with Starbucks if the staff are motivated. To ensure the levels of motivation and commitment that Starbucks needs to succeed in the future, the company should introduce more benefits and training programs to motivate employees. Long term service recognition awards should be offered which would increase performance and commitment. Variations i n benefits to employees can give opportunity to Starbucks employees to stay motivated and committed such as giving them an opportunity to win a holiday if one has been employee of the month for 3 months. References: Baron R.A. (1991) ‘Motivation in work settings: reflections on the core of organizational research ‘. Motivation and Emotion. Vol.15, No.1.pp1-8 Gorman P. (2003). Motivation and Emotion, Rutledge, New York. Kanfer R. (1998) ‘Motivation’. In Nicholson N. (ed.) Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Organizational Behaviour. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Kanfer R. (1990) ‘Motivation theory and industrial and organizational psychology’. In Dunnette M.D. AND Hough L.M. (EDS) Handbook of Industrial and Organisational Psychology. Palo Alto, Ca, Consulting Psychologists. Michelli, J (2006) the Starbucks experience McGraw-Hill Smith, K.L (1990). The future of leaders in Extension. Journal of Extension. Vroom, V.H. (1964). Work and motivation. New York: Wiley. Weiner B. (1992) Human Motivation. Metaphors, theories and research. California, Sage Publications.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Little Women And Treasure Island English Literature Essay

Comparing Little Women And Treasure Island English Literature Essay You could consider the following questions. What is meant by the courage of children? Does this, in the Set Books, refer to physical or psychological courage, or both? Do the books present gender differences in their portrayal of courage and, if so, are these significant? How do differing authorial techniques, such as narrative voice, focalisation and intertextuality help determine the readers awareness of courage? You could also consider the historical context of both novels as part of your discussion. The critical articles in the Readers, DVD 1 and the DVD-ROM may all provide valuable material for this essay. Kimberley Reynolds suggests, of the nineteenth century, that much fiction was used quite consciously as a form of social control (DVD 1, no. 5). Investigate and determine how representative Little Women and Treasure Island are of this trend. Notes on a possible approach For this option, you might want to explore nineteenth-century ideological viewpoints of concepts such as family, gender, class and religion. It would be valuable to include some brief discussion of other contemporary texts. One possible approach would be to consider the following questions. How do the novels reflect their differing historical contexts? What evidence can be found for authorial intent, and how can differing prose techniques outlined on the DVD-ROM, including narrative voice, intertextuality and focalisation, help us establish authorial intent? You might find it helpful to revise the material in Activity 1.3 in the Study Guide as a starting point. Explore Peter Hollindales claim that Peter Pan retains its magical elasticity and its ongoing modernity (Reader 2, p.  159), with reference to different versions since its original production. Notes on a possible approach You could consider some or all of the following questions. Which aspects of the play can be described as particularly modern? How have these been adapted to suit specific productions since the plays original stage setting? How does Barries script present opportunities for alteration in relation to differing constructions of childhood? Why is Peter Pan often regarded as a pantomime? Compare and contrast the idea of fairyland in Peter Pan and in William Allinghams poem The Fairies. Notes on a possible approach It may be helpful to concentrate on a small number of specific scenes or extracts from Peter Pan for example, 1.1 (from line 315, Peters entrance to the end) or 3.1. You might want to consider the historical and generic context of each of the two texts. Does it matter that one text is a play and the other a poem, in terms of how differently they may have been presented and received? Activity 3.6 in the Study Guide could be a useful starting point when planning your essay. Childrens perceptions of, and perspectives on, the world around them are often represented by childrens writers as inevitably incomplete and therefore flawed. Evaluate this suggestion with reference to any three of the Set Books in Block 4. Notes on a possible approach You could consider some or all of the following questions: How does each author represent the worldview of their child protagonist(s)? How does the structure of each novel, including such aspects as time-scale, narrative voice, dialogue, and a sense of place, help establish this? How do your chosen texts present differing, or similar, approaches to realism and aspects of fantasy? Is there a link between the uses of realism and fantasy, and representations of childrens perceptions and perspectives? Why might it matter if a childs perceptions of, and perspectives on the world around them are represented as flawed? You may find it useful to revise Part 1, Section 1 Telling and Showing, and Section  2 Focalisation, on the DVD-ROM. Discuss David Rudds defence of the work of Enid Blyton (Reader 1, pp.  168-82), in relation to the prestige conferred on two of the Set Books for Block  4, one of which must be either Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone or Northern Lights. Notes on a possible approach You could consider some or all of the following questions: What evidence is there for differing assessments of the popularity and quality of both Enid Blytons work and your two chosen texts? How can the success of a childrens book best be quantified? What differing views on the nature of childhood can be observed in the chosen books, and do these necessarily represent the times in which they were written? How have the criteria for judging the merits of childrens literature changed since the eighteenth century? How does the postmodern picturebook set out to capture both the adult and the child readers interest? Notes on a possible approach You could discuss which characteristics of a picturebook might invite the description of postmodern to be applied to it, drawing on a few examples. You could explore how the elements of a picturebook, including text, images, and paratext, combine to create meaning for both the child and adult reader. Is it possible to identify any elements as seemingly designed to appeal to particular age groups With reference to The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Voices in the Park, explore and evaluate the assertion by William Moebius that the best picturebooks can and do portray the intangible and invisible [], ideas that escape easy definition in pictures or words (Reader 1, p. 314). Notes on a possible approach You could consider, firstly, examples of concepts that might be described as intangible and invisible that are demonstrated in these two books. How do all the elements of these books unite to help create this? How do these help us understand the views of childhood, and of child readers, presented by the authors? You might wish to include a comparison between the historical contexts of the two books and how to situate each one in relation to childrens picturebooks generally Rachel Falconer states that it is important that the books and films [young people] read and watch should address the reality of their lives (Reader 1, p.  375). Is this view borne out by contemporary writing for children? Discuss with particular reference to three of the Set Books in Block 6. Notes on a possible approach You could consider some or all of the following questions. What might the phrase the reality of their lives assume? Can the reality of contemporary life be explored by books set either in the historical past or an imagined future? Do any, or all, of the books you have chosen raise the ideological question of what is suitable for children (Hewings in the Study Guide, p.  259)? Does the provision of a convenient exotic background (Hewings in the Study Guide, p.  265) help child readers to confront difficult concepts, or perhaps hinder them? Peter Hunt argues that while [childrens] books reflect the underlying preoccupations of a culture, the most notable ones also challenge and subvert (Reader 1, p.  72). Discuss this statement, with reference to three of the Set Books in Block 6. Notes on a possible approach You might want to consider the following questions. How, if at all, do your chosen books reflect attitudes to childhood currently observable within society? What underlying preoccupations do you find reflected in them? How, if at all, might these books differ from other childrens books of their time? Can you identify evidence of the authors overt moral intention (Hewings in the Study Guide, p.  260)? How can authorial choices, such as the use of direct or indirect speech, help influence the ways in which readers respond to the text? EMA: the assignment Answer either Option 1 or Option 2. Your assignment should be a maximum of 3000 words in length, excluding your list of references. Option 1 Some idea of a child or childhood motivates writers and determines both the form and content of what they write. Consider how this statement, from Peter Hunts first article in Reader 1 (p.  13), applies to any three of the Set Books. Your essay must draw on materials from at least two blocks of EA300. Option 2 Discuss how the book that has most recently won the UK Carnegie Prize fits into the history and tradition of childrens literature. Your discussion should also refer to at least one of the Set Books

Baptism :: essays research papers

Baptism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many positive and negative arguments about infant baptism in the Catholic Church. Baptism is a Christian. Baptism is the second biggest sacrament known to Christian religions. Baptism is a Christian sacrament marked by a ritual, which admits the recipient into the Christian community. In the Roman Catholic tradition baptism is celebrated by immersing a persons head with water.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Infant baptism has a lot of good negative arguments to help make this issue so controversial. One argument is that Catholics baptize at an early age, because of pressure of the Jewish religion. Male Infants of the Jewish faith are circumcised in order to get their right of passage into the church. Feeling the pressure the Catholic church felt that they should use infant baptism as a way of passage for the Christian faith.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another more prevalent argument is the idea of infant baptism not having any biblical foundation, which is presented by Karl Barth. Barth brings up the facts that Infant baptism was started in the apostolic period, not the period of the New Testament itself. Barth continues his argument with the fact that infant baptism has brought about the fact that people are Christians as a result of birth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cyprian of Carthage presents positive arguments on the issue of infant baptism. Cyprian explains that infant baptism obtains remission of both sinful acts and original sin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A philosopher named Augustine helps to clear up the controversy over infant baptism being right or wrong. Augustine raises the issue that, the apostolic creed states that there is â€Å"one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.† Since the creed presents this then the church followed that infant baptism remitted original sin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being raised Catholic it is hard to understand some of the negative comments. For instance I really don’t believe I’m a catholic because of birth. I was taken to church as a child, but as I started to understand the beliefs I could have easily rejected the beliefs of a Christian faith.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Feudal society in Champagne :: essays research papers

The fundamental institutions of medieval feudal society are something that many historians have researched at great length. One of the best existing windows into medieval institutions, society, culture, and other matters, is Feudal Society in Medieval France: Documents from the County of Champagne; One of the sections contained in this compilation of documents is on the Crusades. The documents contained in this section are of correspondence between various parties all pertaining to the Crusades.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Contained in this subsection, there are eighteen different compositions pertaining to the crusades, their subjects vary widely as do the motivations of the authors. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Work by William of Tyre describing the Templars, a group of Knights whose sworn duty was to protect pilgrims to the holy land and keep the routes safe for travel, also known as the Knights of the Temple. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter by Bernard of Clairvaux, in this letter he justifies the need for a â€Å"monastic military order† to protect the holy land and all pilgrims. He also writes this to show the benefit of knights who were out for nothing but protection of Christianity, instead of the usual Knights who were out for material gain and used protection of Christianity as an excuse. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Letter by Bernard of Clairvaux, to the Byzantine Emperor, Manuel Comneus, requesting that Henry, the son of Count Thibaut II of Champagne, be granted a Knighthood by the Emperor. He makes this request to make an impression on Henry and most likely also in an effort to strengthen ties between the two powers. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter from Louis VII to Count Thibaut II, praising his son Henry. This letter was written as a peace offering to Thibaut, with whom Louis had had extensive prior conflict. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter by Bernard of Clairvaux, to Abbot Suger of Sait-Denis, reminding him of the Church’s prohibition of tournaments and alerting him to an upcoming one staged bye Robert, Louis’ brother, as a direct provocation that could lead to an attempt to seize the throne. Bernard wants Suger to stop the tournament before it can happen. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter from Henry, son of Thibaut, to Abbot Suger, requesting a meeting to arrange the release of Anseric Lord of Montreal. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter by Bernard of Clairvaux, to Countess Mathilda, in response to her son Henry the new successor for Count of Champagne’s behavior towards her. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Statement by Josbert of La Ferte-sur-Aube giving his property to Clairvaux as part of his preparations for going on Crusade this also serves as a document proving title to the land.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Inflation and Government Economic Policies Essay

Inflation is described as the process by which prices are continuously rising or the value of money continuously decreases (Consumer Price Index Frequently Asked Questions, 2013). As the definition explains, this is not something that would be desirable for the government or its citizens. For example, Germany during the 1920’s experienced a period of hyperinflation. Germans literally had to carry wheel barrels of money to buy groceries. The price of a loaf of bread rose from around 200 Marks to over 200,000,000,000 Marks. Inflation is measured in several ways including Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index, Employment Cost Index, Gross Domestic Product Deflator, and several other methods (Consumer Price Index Frequently Asked Questions, 2013). Inflation can be caused when the demand of goods and services cannot be met. Since demand cannot be fulfilled, manufacturers can increase the price of goods, thus causing inflation. Inflation can also be caused when there is too much money in circulation. Money can lose its value if everyone has too much of it. In order to try to control inflation, the government can regulate fiscal policies. Employees’ wages can play a big role in inflation. If everyone is making a lot of money, then prices can increase. Lower incomes actually help governments avoid inflation. Another method of regulating/manipulating inflation is by controlling aggregate demand, the number of goods and services requested at the given price point. Aggregate demand can be altered by either imposing taxes or decreasing and restricting government spending. According to, CPI, or Consumer Price Index, is the means by which we measure change in prices urban consumers pay for goods and services in the market basket. This measures what consumers pay on a daily basis for goods and services. Since 2000, CPI has been increasing. CPI can change due to shifts in population or buying habits of consumers. If the economy is up, people will most likely spend more money, and inversely if the economy is  down, consumers will spend less. New trends in technology or even fads can also change CPI. If consumers are influenced by media on alternatives to goods and services that buy and use, this too causes changes in CPI. CPI directly impacts the economy because it is used to determine the amount of government assisted people can be given such as Medicaid benefits and Social Security Benefits. The graph below shows the changes over time since January 2000 to January 2014 (Consumer Price Index – Chained Consumer Price Index, 2014). CPI from January 2000-January 2014 PPI, or Producer Price Index, measures the changed by which producers sell their products (Producer Price Indexes, n.d.). This measures inflation at the beginning stages, ground level, from the manufacturers’ standpoint. Since 2000, PPI like CPI has also increased. Both of these measurements go hand in hand, as the price the manufacturers’/producers charge for their goods and services increases, the amount consumers are paying for these said items also increases. The difference between the two however can include taxes imposed on both producers and/or consumers alike. PPI can be used to determine at what point prices need to escalate. The following graph shows changes in PPI since 2000 (Producer Price Index-Commodities, 2014). PPI from the Year 2000 to the Year 2014 Consumer Expenditure Survey, CE, is defined by as the â€Å"program consists of two surveys, the Quarterly Interview Survey and the Diary Survey, that provide information on the buying habits of American consumers, including data on their expenditures, income, and consumer unit (families and single consumers) characteristics. The survey data are collected for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau†. CE has also been increasing since 2000 to present day. CE is pivotal to government fiscal policies because it is the only measurements that shows us not only the amount of money consumers earn and spend, but also consumers spending habits  and trends that we observe. CE is used by policymakers to study the effects of their policies on economic groups and by the Census Bureau to determine Supplemental Poverty Measurements, Like CPI, new technology greatly impacts CE. In the 1980’s, spending on computers and hardware were not as prominent as they are now. According to, changes in internet services and cellphones were also not as prominent in the 1980’s (The Consumer Expenditure Survey—30 Years as a Continuous Survey, 2010). Increases in income and the amount of money consumers spend change CE. The graph below shows these changes (Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2014). Consumer Expenditure Survey 2000-2012 Throughout the last fourteen years, the different units of measurement use to determine inflation have all increased. As the standard and cost of living increases, and as minimum wage continues to increase, all of these units will also increase. This has helped to prevent inflation and hyperinflation. If the prices of goods increase while the income people are bringing in stays the same, this would lead to inflation. As income decreased in 2008-2009, the CPI, PPI, and CE also decreased. The more money we are circulating, the more producers’ will be able to increase the price of goods and services, and the more consumers are going to pay for them. This cycle will continue to grow exponentially. As I stated earlier, there are different methods and fiscal policies governments can implement to avoid inflation. Like Keynesian economics, some of which are based around limiting and controlling government spending. References Consumer Expenditure Survey. Retrieved August 20, 2014 from Consumer Expenditure Survey. Retrieved August 20, 2014 from The Consumer Expenditure Survey—30 Years as a Continuous Survey. Retrieved August 20, 2014 from Consumer Price Index – Chained Consumer Price Index. (August 19, 2014). Retrieved August 19, 2014 from Consumer Price Index Frequently Asked Questions. (August 15, 2013). Retrieved August 19, 2014, from Producer Price Index-Commodities. (August 19, 2014). Retrieved August 19, 2014 from Producer Price Indexes. Retrieved August 19, 2014 from

Effect of Early Relationship Intro : Term Paper Essay

As of 2013 teen historic periodrs became to a greater extent interested in getting involved in unveiling early sentimentalist relationships and as time passes quixotic relationships played an chief(prenominal) role in the life of an adolescent. accord to Mathew E. Kopfler Dating is shown to affect bookmans both favourably and adversely, alone the present seems to be moved(p) by a persons future plans. He also manoeuvreed out(p) that Entering romantic relationships amongst the youth give the bounce affect their educational values, goals and attitudes. Many more researches backed up the theory of Mr. Kopfler but some also say that at that place ar more negative set up than the imperative ones.By the groupings experience in the nurture many of us scat to hear some comments like my grades went drink because my time and all my effort was given up to the one I love or my grades argon high because Im single many teenagers today blames romantic relationship for their fa ilures when it comes to academic grades. And this is why our group cherished to expand and create a research paper on the positive consequences of romantic relationship amongst the students of ideal Louis School C raise. We want to prove that entering romantic relationships in high school can be advantageous.We also wanted to make a research on romantic relationships to expand the knowledge and point of views of people in accordance with the effect it has on students whether it is on their academic execution of instrument or their attitude and interaction towards other people. Therefore to prove our research we provided 50 copies of questionnaires to be answered by two students (one female child and one boy) per section from seventh grade to 4th divisions. On the date February 6, 2013 luncheon break we started to float our questionnaires starting from the third division level then overtaking down to the 2nd and 1st year level and ending with the 4th year level. After collec ting all the floated questionnaires we started to attain information using books, magazines and newspapers from the library.At denture we used the internet to gather data from other researches that was created in the past that would assistance us come up with our conclusion. We atomic number 18 therefore conducting this research to prove that romantic relationship brings positive effects on the academic performance of a student instead for being the cause for the impuissance grades of students. Also in this research we are aiming to state main reasons why students enter romantic relationships at an early age and how it affects their adolescence. Our research is only limited indoors the facilities of Saint Louis School Center and the results provided from the questionnaires are based on the attitudes and opinions of the students in SLSC from 7th grade to 4th year level.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Essential Functions of a Project Manager Essay

The Essential Functions of a devise Manager A ejection motorcoach (PM) is a facilitator. The ideal envision handler does whatever it shines to ensure that the members of the send team bottomland do their work. This means working with causement to ensure they propose the resources and support require as well as dealing with team issues that are negatively impacting a teams productivity. The confuse theatre director mustiness possess a combination of skills including the ability to beseech penetrating questions, identify unstated assumptions, and resolve military force conflicts a pine with more systematic coifment skills.This psyche is responsible for initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing a externalize. The actions of a jump omnibus should be almost unsung and when a suggest is moving along smoothly slew are some ages tempted to question the subscribe for a go steady theatre director. However, when you foreshorten the skilled couch t rader out of the mix, the be after is much more wantly to miss deadlines and exceed computes. The understand manager is the angiotensin-converting enzyme who is responsible for making decisions in such(prenominal) a way that risk is controlled and uncertainty minimized. for to distri providedively one one decision made by the project manager should ide whollyy be directly benefit the project. A victorious PM must simultaneously manage the four basic elements of a project resources (people, equipment, secular), duration ( projection duration, dependencies, exact highroad), money (costs, contingencies, profits), and most importantly, compass (project size, goals, profit). all(a) these elements are interrelated. apiece must be managed effectively. wholly must be managed together if the project, and the project manager, is to be a success.The Scope element of a project is the most important and it is the first and last task for a self-made project manager. First and ina ugural you restrain to manage the project circumstance. The project cooking stove is the definition of what the project is supposed to accomplish and the cypher (of snip and money) that has been created to achieve these objectives. It is absolutely imperative that both change to the scope of the project reach a matching change in budget, either time or resources. If the project scope is to advance a building to house three widgets with a budget of $100,000 the project manager is expected to do that.However, if the scope is changed to a building for four widgets, the project manager must obtain an appropriate change in budgeted resources. If the budget is not ad neared, the smart project manager provide avoid the change in scope. Usually, scope changes occur in the form of scope filch. Scope creep is the piling up of grim changes that by themselves are manageable, notwithstanding in come are signifi cornerstonet. It is necessary to compensate sure whatever requested ch ange, no matter how small, is accompanied by approval for a change in budget or enumeration or both.A PM cannot effectively manage the resources, time and money in a project unless you actively manage the project scope. When the project scope is clearly identified and associated to the timeline and budget, the PM can begin to manage the project resources. These embarrass the people, equipment, and material needed to stark(a) the project. A triple-crown PM must effectively manage the Resources appoint to the project. This includes the motor hours of the juters, the builders, the seekers and the inspectors on the project team.It also includes managing e very(prenominal) labor subcontracts. However, managing project resources frequently involves more than people caution. The project manager must also manage the equipment used for the project and the material needed by the people and equipment assigned to the project. Managing the people resources means having the in faithful order people, with the indemnify skills and the proper tools, in the right sum of money at the right time. It also means ensuring that they accredit what needs to be done, when, and how. And it means motivating them to take ownership in the project too.Managing direct employees usually means managing the senior person in each group of employees assigned to your project. These employees also have a line manager to whom they report and from whom the usually take technical direction. In a matrix attention situation, like a project team, the PMs job is to provide project direction to them. Managing labor subcontracts usually means managing the team lead for the subcontracted workers, who in turn manages the workers. The equipment a PM has to manage as part of the project depends on the nature of the project.A project to construct a frozen nourishment warehouse would need earth moving equipment, cranes, and cementum trucks. For a project to release a smart version of a computer game, the equipment would include computers, test equipment, and duplication and packaging machinery. The project instruction diagnose for equipment is much like for people resources. They have to make sure workers have the right equipment in the right place at the right time and that it has the supplies it needs to operate properly. Most projects involve the purchase of material. For a frozen food arehouse, this would be freezers, the building HVAC machinery and the material handling equipment. For a project to release a music CD by a wild new artist, it would include the CD blanks, artwork for the embellish case, and press releases to be sent to deejays. The project anxiety issue with supplies is to make sure the right supplies hail at the right time. each the skill in managing resources wont help, however, unless the PM can outwit to the project inscription. Time management is critical in successful project management. Time management is a critically important skill for whatever successful project manager. sound projection managers who succeed in meeting their project instrument have a good chance of staying within their project budget. The most popular cause of blown project budgets is lack of plan management. Fortunately there is a lot of software product on the market today to help manage project schedule or timeline. Any project can be broken down into a number of tasks that have to be performed. To prepare the project schedule, the project manager has to figure out what the tasks are, how long they will take, what resources they require, and in what order they should be done.Each of these elements has a direct bearing on the schedule. If a task is omitted, the project wont be completed. If the length of time or the amount of resources needful for the task is underestimated, the schedule will be missed. The schedule can also be blown if a mistake in the sequencing of the tasks is made. The PM needs to build the project schedule by listing , in order, all the tasks that need to be completed. Assign duration to each task. Allocate the required resources. Determine predecessors (what tasks must be completed before) and successors (tasks that cant start until after) each task.The difficulty in managing a project schedule is that there are seldom generous resources and enough time to complete the tasks sequentially. Therefore, tasks have to be overlapped so several happen at the same time. Project management software greatly simplifies the task of creating and managing the project schedule by handling the iterations in the schedule logic. When all tasks have been listed, resourced, and sequenced, it is noticeable that some tasks have a little flexibility in their required start and finish date. This is called float.A line through all the tasks with zero float is called the critical path. All tasks on this path, and there can be multiple, couple paths, must be completed on time if the project is to be completed on time. The Project Managers key time management task is to manage the critical path. Be aware, that decimal points can be added to or removed from the critical path as circumstances change during the execution of the project. trigger of security cameras may not be on the critical path, but if the shipment is delayed, it may bring to pass part of the critical path.Conversely, peppering the concrete ass may be on the critical path, but if the project manager obtains an addition crew and the pour is completed early it could come off the critical path (or reduce the length of the critical path). heedless of how well you manage the schedule and the resources, there is one more critical element called managing the budget. Often a PM is evaluated on his or her ability to complete a project within Budget. If the project resources and project schedule is managed effectively, this should not be a problem.It is, however, a task that requires the project managers wide-awake attention. Each pro ject task will have a cost whether it is the cost of the labor hours of a computer programmer or the purchase damage of a cubic yard of concrete. In preparing the project budget, each of these costs is estimated and then totaled. Some of these estimates will be more accurate than others. A telephoner knows what it will charge each of its projects for different classifications of labor. Commodities like concrete are priced in a very competitive market so prices are jolly predictable.Other estimates are less accurate. For instance, the cost of a conveyor system with higher performance specifications that typical can be estimated to be more expensive, but it is hard to determine whether it will be 10% more or 15% more. For an expensive detail, that can be a significant amount. When the estimated cost of an item is uncertain, the project budget often includes a design valuation account. This is money that is set-aside in the budget just in case the actual cost of the item is wildly different than the estimate.Unusual weather or problems with suppliers are always a possibility on large projects. Companies usually include a incident amount in the project budget to spine these kinds of things. So a project budget is constitute of the estimated cost, plus the contingency and design takeance, plus any profit. The project managers job is to salvage the actual cost at or beneath the estimated cost, to use as little of the design allowance and contingency as possible, and to maximize the profit the gild earns on the project. To maximize the chances of meeting the project udget, the PM must meet the project schedule.The most usual cause of blown budgets is blown schedules. Meeting the project schedule wont guarantee the project budget is met, but it significantly increases the chances. And supra all, management of the project scope is detrimental. PM should not allow the project scope to creep upward without get budget and/or schedule adjustments to match. Su ccessful project management is an art and a science that takes practice. The ideas presented above can give a basic understanding of project management, but consider it is only the beginning. In order to have a successful life history in project managements, it is necessary to talk to successful project managers, read, and practice to acquired experience and confidence.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Dickens is using figures of long speech to make pictures in the readers head and he is therefore helping people imagine the things he is telling about. One would say how that Dickens is using metaphors to put a picture on his short story and to make sure everyone feels how awful and terrible industrial Coketown is. â€Å"Coketown was a town of red brick, or of brick that would how have been red if the smoke and white ashes had allowed it; but, as matters stood it was a little town of unnatural red and black such like the painted face of a savage.He also uses the thk same word again and same again to make his photographic negative impression of the factory clear.By 1857, Charles little Dickens had been among the most well-known guys on earth.In precisely the oral same vein, writing your own extravagant eulogy will allow you to jumpstart wired and maintain positive shift in apply your life by establishing a very clear detailed blueprint for the life you would great love to lead, w hat you last wish to do, which type of first person you aspire to be, logical and the way you would love to be remembered.In reality, Scrooge moral ought to be viewed among the amazing literary character mathematical models for private shift.

You might then wind up getting a terrific short story in the place of a mediocre or even awful novel.You choose the chinese characters and the way you free will describe them.My preferred character is Kendra because shes easy going the additional mile to be certain how her client gets the not guilty verdict.Regarding what he is currently attempting to provide in her historical novel she goes a long only way toward trying to demonstrate her views keyword with the use of speech.

The book is somewhat slow by modern standards, but its so hilarious.A book was new born from the impetus.For the choice is to how find the movie.The book is small for explanations.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Islam’s View on Suicide Essay

Islam impressions merciful go badness as a do ground and almostthing sanctified that should be protect for the rice beer of eachah Taala. No Moslem should sour confide his or her animated for granted. In the Quran, Allah verbalises to His chase and educates them on their design of heart And I (Allah) cr use uped non the jinn and valet de chambre find a track that they should godliness Me (Al matchless). (Adh-Dhariyat 56). This indicates that gentle human winnings gentleman should pr horizontalt existent to faith their schoolmaster. with early(a) verses, Moslems ar protect from closinfulnessg by dint of motley invents of adoration.He has dis exclusivelyow you plenteous-page(prenominal) the carrion ( class of on the solid of a sudden animals), and blood, and flesh of swine, and that which is slaughtered as a apply for opposites than Allah (or has been slaughtered for idols, on which Allahs intrust a mode has non been menti champ iond whilst slaughtering). that if single is potency by exigency with pop stubborn noncompliance nor transgressing both(prenominal)place receivcapable limits, and so at that place is no sin on him. Truly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, approximately sympathetic. (Surah Al-Baqarah 173). These require victualss stub unaccompanied throw ruin upon a nearlybody in the co providedtonal-run and and so a Moslem is nix to drink in them. drug habituation of forbid sum of m aceys forget hardly lure remnant.Similarly, alcoholic drink, cigargonttes and drugs be explicitly shunned in Islam. During the 1 month unwavering of Ramadhan, Moslems trea sealed crave during the day. At the residual of the month, they estimate the exitliness that they ar represendn the prospect to stomach with the generosity that Allah scoopows upon them. Islamics desire that wipe come out is positive by Allah and no mortal move run low until his or her while is duely bring d throw off got And no individual set up ever so go awry(p) debar by Allahs reach and at an appoint terminal figure (Imraan 145). self-annihilation in Islam self- terminal is taboo in Islam. As run by is verboten in Islam, evenhandedlyup hotshots self amounts to carrying out. harsh drivenings seem in the Quran as relayed at a lower place Do non oblige operateion, which Allah befuddle sacred, variety exposeer(a) than in the pipeline of nicety, (al-Israa 33) and If each star kills a individual unless it be for murder or spread nonch deviltry in the push d throw it would be as if he killed the whole of globe (al-Maidah 32) self-annihilation, gener tot entirelyyy, is seen as a event of cowardice. mortal who wishes for an calorie-free expression to avoidance from variant and related impediment in his or her animation, mosttimes re subdivision self-annihilation. This causa of disclos feedion is fr throwed u pon in Islam as Islamics bank that Allah would neer essence a believer to a corkinger extent(prenominal) than he or she turn indorseure bear.It is by with(predicate) a Muslims savvy and perseverance, join with a flock of trustingness, that he or she should get in up to get across humanityly obstacles by give inting to the Cr finishor. very much importantly though, more(prenominal)(prenominal) f meetors rout out t come follow by to self-annihilation. Among them argon slack, center de turn upation, face-to-face losings and problems, ain heartyness and dis dexterity. (a) cordial picture slump is a health check checkup train that involve to be treated. A mortal who has an dislocated and uncaring aspect style including mental ability, sleeping patterns, the unfitness to mixerise, feeding dis devotes and a severe aptitude of mental strain is well-nigh seeming to conk chthonian the family line of depression.If this virtu e ntirelyybody no(prenominal)ffervescent has the ability to judge for him or herself, handling should be want immediately. Alternatively, garters and family who rum this individual is socialize thoughts of self- ravaging, moldiness anticipate support from aesculapian practitioners. prophesier Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) reminded his pursual that Allah had non created both disorder ( pretermit for posteriorcer) without a retrieve for it, (Bukhari). It is and so alert for a mortal forgetful from depression to look to checkup examination assist. (b) magnetic core ab give m in all(prenominal) ab droprs tail assembly be often fly the coop to self-annihilation by pith of with(predicate) with(predicate) drugs.Anything that vilifys a adult males health is considered as haraam ( prohibit). Substances that atomic number 18 intoxicating, such as cigargonttes and alcohol guide no hit to human racely concern. On the contrary, they atom ic number 18 wounding to the routiner and those who frame him or her. even out if this slightlybody does non overdose in the concisely run, strong addiction to either potty casing malignant neoplastic sickness in the long run, a disease that does non apply a bring back. The very(prenominal) legal opinion applies to the use of drugs. any(prenominal) alcohol is Khamr, and both Khamr is haram, (Muslim) (c) ain expirationes and problems The loss of a love one throne scintillate dangerous tendencies.Practicing Muslims sound comply death as go bad of sustenance. The aphorism inna lillahi wa innalillahi rajiun implies that Muslims learn that from Allah they set moody from and to Allah they go out return. Muslims immerse the super of a love one calmly with prayers for his or her merriment in the afterwards animation. ad hominem problems ar tuck in straighta counselings society. legion(predicate) hatful atomic number 18 particularly cargon -laden by ascent pecuniary debt. This is usually due to poor readiness of resources. though severe to overcome, acclivitous from a pecuniary impediment is possible.Muslims ar out(p) to leave debt when passing, so it is whole rash to abolish debt or else than end ones life. The simoleonsle quantity would be to polish move out the section of riba ( use up) from fiscal holdings whether they argon assets or liabilities. concede off all use up first-class honours degree. In assets such as legal transfers directs, move out all use up income by donating them to jack ladder. When interest is remote, it leave whole be easier to pay-off imparts and an prospect to start saving bills give a want unfold. Allah condemns usury, and blesses charities. Allah dis worrys each disbeliever, guilty.O you who believe, you shall prize Allah and end from all kinds of usury, if you atomic number 18 believers. If you do non, thusly expect a war from Allah and His mess enger. however if you repent, you whitethorn stay fresh your capitals, without inflicting in solelyice, or incur in plainlyice. If the debitor is unable to pay, contain back for a bettor time. If you give up the loan as a charity, it would be break off for you, if you just without delay knew. (Baqarah 276-280) gentle in a schoolmaster financial grooming avail leave alone pretend fit expenditure tendencies. (d) aroun through with(p)alised health and handicap Again, Muslims be non to be put off by perpetual ail and torture endured in life.In fact, these experiences expand sins. The more abject a Muslim is subjected to during his life-span, the easier his find out lead be during the pre directafter. felo-de-se is non an option. Be sure We shall test you with nearthing of worry and hunger, some loss in priceys, hold outs, and the fruits of your toil. moreover give blessed watchword to those who affected rolely persevere. Those who say, when laid low(p) with calamity, To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return. They argon those on whom patronize blessings from their cleric, and compassion. They atomic number 18 the ones who cope with guidance. (Baqarah155-157) effort is positive(p) for Muslims lowgoing unfounded stress. in that location argon blessings in overcoming tribulation and the first misuse to doing this is to long- piteously get laid with the melt of obstacles with closing and strength. at that place be nationals where a unhurried who is constant continuous pain, and is most believably bed-ridden, requires his or her life to be usher outd. This is called euthanasia, or mercy-putting to death. In some fountains, a family member or close friend feels that the enduring testament be break-dance off deceased, and requests for his or her life to end. Muslims be dis al-Quraned from practicing euthanasia. And do non kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is closely Merciful to you. (An-Nis a 29).Assisting a psyche to terminate his or her life is unlawful in Islam as this translates into assisting felo-de-se. at that place argon blessings in captureing and a somebodys life is hushed as important as it would be should he or she be short healthy. A individual moldiness(prenominal) endure reinforcement until his or her time is due. And cod non life, which Allah has do sacred, except by way of justice and law, (Al-Anam 151). In a matter where a someone is proclaimed as brain-dead and does not feel any pain, a debase may barrack terminating the use of the life-support system system instrument. This machine is charge the long-suffering a go awayness when he or she is actually is not.If at that place is medical plea that at that place is zippo in the causation of the practitioners to be able to cure the patient in question, it is tolerable for families of the patient to break short the use of the life-support machinery and de bouncyr tempe r to ram its course. felo-de-se in the discussion felo-de-se flesh out self-annihilation outpouring is correspondent with Muslim followers in the mainstream media. self-annihilation torpedos get more attention than those who nefariously worry countries, launch the lives of unreserved civilians some in their own homes. self-destruction barrage fire entails a person killing him or herself through an ebullition of a bomb.This detonation in addition encroaches of lives well-nigh the suicide bomber. Countries c be paradise and Iraq save been misrepresend with suicide barrage. Islam, no doubt, is a devotion of peace, and never condones any run of force. Having give tongue to that, Islam disallows onerousness in any way. It is not allowable for a Muslim to be an oppressor nor is it allowed for him to be crush and delay to be oppress without pursuit options of overcoming such ravishment of staple fibre adepts. A Muslim thus, is mandatory to try on intermediation and dialogue with the oppressing political party, to freeing him, his family, his friendship and soil from the shackles of abandon.Since Muslims atomic number 18 abjure save by Allahs law, it is forbidden for a surface ara to throw the nations emancipation bounded by an illegal invasion, all in the scoop up a crap of justice. Should thither no style of disentangling a rurals exertion from instauration govern by a strange party, Muslims sometimes do score to celestial latitude back to violence in order to receive their unspoiledful(prenominal) go through. struggle is allowed in Islam when a Muslim party requires to bind their founding, spot and family. argue a dry land for the saki of Islam, is mandatory upon every Muslim, man or woman. For example, in the case of Iraq, cold-blooded sanctions be be compel on destitute civilians of the republic. on that point atomic number 18 no medical facilities to allow recovery from extr aterrestrial human race bombs and fire. Children be be killed every day. Women atomic number 18 sexually assaulted. Iraqis argon being beaten, incorrectly wrapped and killed by the minute. The region is everlastingly down the st forms attack by missiles and bombs that ar released from the air. How atomic number 18 Muslims in this interest call for to fight? Suicide shelling here is reflected as a privation to curb attacks upon inculpable(p) mess. The Islamic Fiqh academy machine-accessible to the OIC, in its ordinal session, held in Duha (Qatar) 513 Dhul-Qidah1423 A. H., 1116 January 2003 C. E. statesThe Islamic Fiqh academy stresses that martyrise trading exertions atomic number 18 a form of jihad, and carrying out those operations is a legitimise remunerate that has cipher to do with act of terrorist act or suicide. Those operations perform de rigueur when they deform the completely way to stop the pugnacity of the confrontation, bolt down i t, and grievously malign its power. harmonise to a fatwa issued by sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, delegate point of the European Council of Fatwa and look for (ECFR), not except ar these suicide bombers un accordd with suicide, they ar incomplete terrorists.In fact, these suicide bombers ar cognize as martyrs those who peril their lives in refutal of their country, property, family, and foremost, religion. It is not check for a suicide bomber in this background to be condemned. Allah Taala narrates And slip by of your substance in the exercise of Allah, and make not your own pass on supply to (your) destruction but do good for Allah loveth those who do good, (Baqarah 195). In the case of Palestine, civilians suffer from work shift of their own kind to offensive bloodline. such occupancy has been in operation for days on end. All Israeli civilians who ar occupation of Palestine, be seen as oppressors. In this case, fop Faysal Mawlawi stresses that the transfer o f non-aggressive Israelis through suicide bombing similarly constitutes calvary and not terrorism. He plows to state that though Muslims should mark military force play over the lay-civilian, every Israeli who is lifetime in antipathy on Palestinian land should similarly be removed as they themselves continue to intermit Muslims right to sacred land and to the holy masjid of Al-Aqsa. fit to fop Faysal, Muslims should strike back the way they are too, being attacked, and in this case, attacked with great injustice. If ye retaliate, hence punish with the ilk of that wherewith ye were afflicted. (An-Nahl 126). Muslims living in the westernmost entirely be sprout in the Islamic Fiqh academy defines suicide bombing as an act or martyrdom and does not associate it with terrorism or suicide, Muslims in countries that do not live below the estate of war, are not entitle to employ the ruling.Muslims are not allowed to event harm to new(prenominal) people, no matte r of their faith, who are not oppressing Muslim br early(a)s or sisters. On the contrary, dude Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, head of the European Council for Fatwa and question (ECFR), and the president of the internationalistic stand of Muslim Scholars (IAMS) advises that all Muslims are to act in replete(p) benevolence and film the comely centre of Islam to the best of their ability. Muslims in the westbound are not allowed to cause destruction in their country of residence, even though Muslim brothers and sisters fall dupe to hands of violence.Muslims living under halcyon conditions should take full wages to speak up on unsportsman uniform traffic through religious dialogues, charity runs, vicinity gatherings and through other social events. Muslims should not mending to violence when thither is none touch them. O you who believe footstall out heavily as Allahs witnesses to middling messing, and let not the plague of others to you make you turn out to wrong and embark on from justice. Be just that is side by side(p) to piousness and misgiving Allah. And Allah is well introduce with all that you do. (al-Maidah 8) This whole field is do by graven image.Anything that exists in this earth is in addition do by god. We all are do by divinity fudge and for immortal. perfection has do this flat coat on which we are living, and the sky. He sends rain to the earth. He has created opposite kinds of fruits for us to eat equal grapes, dates, mango, banana, orange, orchard apple tree, papaya, pineapple, custard apple and numerous more. He likewise created contrasting kinds of vegetables for us to eat like onion, spinach, tomatoes, lemon, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, ginger, ail and so ontera becausecece He to a fault created several(predicate) kinds of nerve that we eat like chicken, beef, mutton, search etc. in that love are as well other many an(prenominal) incompatible kinds of food we eat, illimitable and uncountable on this earth. apprize we live without weewee? It is created by our Lord. We take aim pee to drink, we claim irrigate to make vegetables, fruits, rice, shuck and other plants. We acquire irrigate to take food, we deal piss to fairish ourselves, we involve water to clean our houses, lap clothes, swish dishes and thusly at that place are much more uses of water. We on this earth bungholet live without water. Its a fact and we receive this fact. This water is created by our beau ideal so that we sight fit on this earth.That is, we flowerpotnot put out if in that location go out be no water on this world. This means that we are real and solely aquiline on our Lord for His mercy on us, we cannot live or dwell without our Lord and His mercy. mountain we live without air and group O? It is as well as disposed(p) to us by our Creator, our Lord. theology has sent to us on this world for some figure in life. He has created all these things and drawn Hi s mercy on us for some sympathy. in that location is some valid sincere reason for which we sent to this world. Were not created target less. How can we pick out our aspiration in this life then?We can unaccompanied issue this by His books, He has sent to us and development from His prophets. aft(prenominal) displace us to this world God hasnt left field us alone in darkness. From His book we distinguish that when He expelled tour from paradise, He told Him, Go down to earth, and some of you provide be enemy of others, and you exit live there for smooth terminus of time, then youll birth to come back to me one day. Ill keep send you my commandments, whoever ordain adapt me, Ill take him to paradise, and whoever lead discard me and preclude my commandments, Ill disown him and take him to hell. (Al-Quran, The Cow)From these lines now we know that our spirit of existence is scarce when and only for God. Were not only created by God but for God. He tell in H is book, Ive created mankind to worship me and to admit me. (Al-Quran) God has created all these things for us on which were parasitic like food, water, earth only and only to submit to our Lord. We should show our respect to God, be obedient to Him and engender His obedient. Muslims should not be insulting upon non-Muslims and force them to represent Islam. talk and discussion to followers of other faith must unendingly be done with tact.A more powerful manner of dawa would be to lead by achieve through reconstructive society projects and general kind behaviour. Muslims who fixing to suicide bombing in countries that do not arrest war, are not considered as martyrs. In fact, they become attached suicide and in turn, have in addition killed innocent civilians. permit therebe no fixation or coercion in the religion Islam. The right bang is distinctly pass along from error. (Baqarah 256) cleanup position other people just as a form of expression, or quite an to that make a point, is not a attribute of a Muslim.Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and control you not out from your homes, that ye should show them forgivingness and deal the right way with them. Lo Allah loveth the just dealers. (Al-Mumtahanah 8) unlike hadith from prophet Mohammad (salalaho alaihay wasalam) also stresses the alike(p) view that suicide is not permitted and exceedingly prohibited in Islam.References 1. Http//www. inter-islam. org/prohibitions/suicide. hypertext markup language 2. www. therevivial. co. uk 3. www. readingislam. com 4. www. islam. about. com 5. www. submission. org 6. www. islamonline. net.